Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blacks = Gays?

It's very hard to try and rectify seemingly conflicting principles and values, but I'm trying.

On the one hand, there's the idea that the same arguments against gay marriage were made against inter-racial marriage.  Fair enough.  But on the other hand, aren't race and gender separate issues?  Isn't it said that race is a social construction?  But then on the other hand, couldn't you say then that gender might just be a social construction too?  But the Proclamation to the World says that gender is a part of everyone's divine identity, so it wouldn't seem that gender is just a social construction.  But then what does that mean for gay people?  

And then my head hurts.

P.S. As a straight white person, I am ignorant of the monikers people who are homosexual or of African descent prefer: Homosexuals?  Gays?  Gay people?  / Blacks?  Black people?  African-Americans?  

1 comment:

  1. From my own personal experience, most people who accept their orientation identify as gay. Of course, judging by your other posts you are familiar with other terms such as Moho, "struggler", sga, ssa, etc. Some church members who are trying to live the law of chastity (as proscribed by the church) might prefer to identify as experiencing or strugling with sga/ssa. As a general rule, I don't think the homosexual label is offensive, but it does sound rather clinical.
